
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is Katrina to Blame -or- Is our Nation Drowning in Drugs? (excersize 2)

absorbing into my flesh
the thickening wall of emotions are laid down like bricks

I fight the rolling thunder of fears
that cloud my vision of any truth I'm near

wrapped in blankets of hope
I feel nothing but my neck tangled by rope

with a boulder on my shoulders
I carry my life

my hopes are shattered
as the levels rise

the higher the level
the more I sink

my energy has failed
my feelings are numb

the boulder slams down

one last grasping breath
became several liquid deaths

Is Katrina to Blame -or- is Our Nation Drowning in Drugs?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Now, take your mind for a marathon run ....1st art refection of 7

ok--I am struggling how to start this blog. I think I have re-started the first sentence 10 times
Now, I have started my blog so I can continue on to the purpose of today's post.

My mind ran a marathon today, 
so please do not mind the exhosted stumble of my words.

As if I am knocked out, I have had to metally slap my face awake and focus.
Focus on:
  • an art piece that digs into my inner refelction (inspired by weather) 
  • how do I explain my core mission at life without rambling words? 
    • one that is so clear, when read if feels like you can see the story unfold-this is a tuffy-
My mind ran a marathon today
so please do not mind the  exhosted stumble of my words.

I have let myslef just go and create a pice of work.
  • Sunny I am happy 
  • dreary more sad 
  • hurrican I get really sick (high temps) and so on.

I have taken these intense emotions that can be driven by weather and let the emotions roll into a 2d image. My tools were paint I had around, and one pallet knife. that is it. O- and a board. I do not feel as though it may be totally complete, but for now it is.

*Feel free to share any experience that are unique connections with your mood and weather.

* I must appologize the images are not too clear, my phone pics are not great. :(

Day 1 - 7days of art about weather

After I choose this exercise, doing one art piece a day(influenced by weather), I had no idea it was going to make my mind crazy.  Last night for about 3 hours, and at dinner I thought, thought and thought. Wrote down what I could think of about weather and ending with this idea.....

I have decided to make today, day 1. I need a full 24 hours to complete my task. 

WEATHER is at time unexplainable in its attempt to drastically reface our planet. Instant tornado, hurricanes, tsunami....and it goes on. As quick as rocket fuel lit with a match, our world shifts before our eyes.

I definitely feel like I am at the first day of my sculpture class all over. I can hear his voice in my head, he is making this a test. And after each art piece is created the critic in him pours out verbiage developing ways to tell me I need to dig deeper into my mind. What I have created is shit, crap, no concept blah blah blah....
I just need to make something. Maybe at the end of the 7days I will have created something much more than where my thoughts are now. Its about reflection, and finding something within the layers of thought. By the end of tonight I will have my first piece.

art block......


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 4- What would you choose to do..FOREVER?

So as this question had been rolling around, in my pot hole thinking cupboard  for about 2 days now.....
My mind keeps racing around like a  
tornado on crack,

what do I do  next?
  • do I complete random jobs, and reflect by creating the piece of art?
  • Do I do volunteer work?
  • Do I sell EVERYTHING I own, to be able to travel?  
    • My funky junk Subaru, don't get me wrong, it was a cute little gift from my best friend, which looks kinda like a man/woman with a mullet and my music choice kinka is bleak with no antenna. The only thing my car is to catch is static and the splatter of bugs off the wind course.
    • my lovely couches, I only used for a few months when living in Seattle
    • all my art work, for whatever I can get for it
    • 3D wall art, "pins and needles" 7' L x 3'h
      • the list goes on.........
"Self Reliance" 3.5'h x 6' L

There comes a time when not all of us are as organized in our thoughts as we may hope. Matter of fact if you opened the door to me mind, like "Being John Malkovich", I probably look like a hoarder of some kind. Is it possible to be a mind hoarder? HMMMM????

What you may find is......
  • "Flubber" like,  thoughts that speed up every time I blink
  • purple rabbits that eat nothing but comets
  • "am I thinking right now?" "am I really here?"
  • a galloping troll, dressed up in grass
P.S. I don't do drugs

So just some odd images to throw at you. But you may notice, no organized thoughts, images or even this blog may seem outta sorts. Its a wonder I have some friends understand me, maybe they don't?   
I don't even know if I get me.

SO like in "Julia and Julia"  (based on true story) Julia (Amy Adams) decided to give herself a timeline to complete her idols cook book recipes and blog about it.

  • So here I am all INSPIRED by "Dirty Jobs" "Julia and Julia" "stranger than fiction" (plus many books) going to give myself 
  • times lines
  • ONE year to visit 7 different cities (at least around the USA)
  • many art refection pieces
  • some videos, lots of pictures
  • other week long+ ventures to complete odd duties I give myself.

I hope I can get any followers by my third month to offer any suggestions of places to check out, any comments..........or whatever

my FIRST self test/mission, I am going to start with basics....
7 art pieces in 7 days
using ONLY found/free objects that RELATE to the WEATHER outside.

I will update you on my success rate. Stay Tuned. (did anyone ever see that movie?)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 2 -only pick ONE- Coloring Book -or- Color Crayons

Most of us get drilled in our head, CHOOSE A PATH, a CAREER that defines you, stabilizes you and choose ONE. Well for me one is not enough, its like saying to a 5 years old,

only choose one,
-coloring book

which would you choose?
 Keep in mind you are only 5, you  CAN NOT color on walls, floor etc. with these crayons.

What would you think or choose and why? I WANT BOTH!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 1 - make a move -

I can not completely explain what it is my journey will be like,
because I CHOOSE my experience to be unexpected
  • I need to just take baby steps.
  • So I made my first move.
Called up my first stranger today named Jo, from The High Country Inn B&B in ID.
First let me explain more about my YEAR TO SELF DISCOVERY

My thoughts to finding my inner "true" self,  are to earn by experiences in unique areas.

  • I will begin traveling locally than nationally and end with world wide exploration. 
  • I will work, live, meet and greet the local community and embrace the unseen energy that is creating the area (culture) I encounter.
UN-THOUGHT-OUT / THOUGHT-OUT PLAN on how to find self discovery in 365days a year
  1. Throughout the adventure I will show the world images, video and words of the energy I experience. 
  2. At the end of my adventure I will create an art piece of some kind that captures the feeling I experience. 
  3. I plan on selling (help pay for next destination) or leaving this piece of art with the community as an appreciation piece to letting me come and having this incredible experience.  
  4. They than can view the piece and take something from it, as they may find something more within themselves.
  5. I hope my interaction with the community will bring some kind of extra positive energy and have someone added value, as I know each person, business experience I have will have a major positive impact on me.
I will tell you more about Jo from the High Country Inn Bed and Breakfast tomorrow, and what she said to me after I spoke with her about my ideas of refection.

Good night for now.
*My Map/layout of Discovery has no boundaries and may be warped time to time

can you seperate a scrambled egg?

I have meaninglessly wondered my own maze of a mind over the last
27 years and 3 months

Have you ever tried to divide a scrambled egg back into it's two forms, yoke and egg whites? 
  • My thoughts are scrambled eggs trying to divide the yoke and white, but seems I can't after they have been cooked. To me this is society saying, you have to just pick one thing to do, do it well, be secure and be constant. Well, if I can not choose just one, yoke or egg (or-career choice), because they are scrabbled what am I to do? "I AM SCREWED FOR LIFE!!!" I thought

Most would call me a "Jill of all trades" I just thought I was LOST.
  • ceramic artist
  • sculpture, metal 
  • public art
  • know most about floor covering
  • GREAT as a sales person
  • love and passion for business
  • creative artist- graphic design
  • get all wrapped up in video art
  • empathetic
  • teacher-care-giver
  • AMAZING people skills
  • GREAT at athletics
    • golf
    • gymnastics
    Public Art-Spokane WA AM Cannon Park

THE LIST GOES ON - I feel so unbelievably torn- BUT AM FIGURING IT OUT :)