
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 1 - make a move -

I can not completely explain what it is my journey will be like,
because I CHOOSE my experience to be unexpected
  • I need to just take baby steps.
  • So I made my first move.
Called up my first stranger today named Jo, from The High Country Inn B&B in ID.
First let me explain more about my YEAR TO SELF DISCOVERY

My thoughts to finding my inner "true" self,  are to earn by experiences in unique areas.

  • I will begin traveling locally than nationally and end with world wide exploration. 
  • I will work, live, meet and greet the local community and embrace the unseen energy that is creating the area (culture) I encounter.
UN-THOUGHT-OUT / THOUGHT-OUT PLAN on how to find self discovery in 365days a year
  1. Throughout the adventure I will show the world images, video and words of the energy I experience. 
  2. At the end of my adventure I will create an art piece of some kind that captures the feeling I experience. 
  3. I plan on selling (help pay for next destination) or leaving this piece of art with the community as an appreciation piece to letting me come and having this incredible experience.  
  4. They than can view the piece and take something from it, as they may find something more within themselves.
  5. I hope my interaction with the community will bring some kind of extra positive energy and have someone added value, as I know each person, business experience I have will have a major positive impact on me.
I will tell you more about Jo from the High Country Inn Bed and Breakfast tomorrow, and what she said to me after I spoke with her about my ideas of refection.

Good night for now.
*My Map/layout of Discovery has no boundaries and may be warped time to time

1 comment:

  1. "I can not completely explain what it is my journey will be like, because I CHOOSE my experience to be unexpected."

    this is true, once you except that life is not a drawn up business plan, maybe just guidelines, you can begin to enjoy yourself more. As we learn more about who we are we can alter how we want to react to every moment we encounter.
